Orange jam / Gem de portocale

-my great-grandmother recipe-
  • 1 kg orangesportoc
  • 4 lemons
  • 3 kg sugar
  • 4 litres of water
Please note: lemons are weighed in the oranges kilo.
Cut the fruit in half.
Remove pits.
Squeeze the juice and filter.
Put the juice in a pot.
Finely sliced the fruits. Put the fruits in the juice.
Pour water over juice.
Place in refrigerator for 24 hours.
Next day, boil the juice.
Put the pits in a gauze and place them in the pot.
Boil until fruit become soft.
Allow to cool for 24 hours.
Next day, remove the pits. Pour the sugar into the pot.
Cook over high heat .
Boil for a short time. The colour must remain the same.
Try on a small plate the jam. If it sticks, it is ready.
Put hot in jars.
-reteta strabunicii mele-
  • 1 kg portocale
  • 4 lamai
  • 3 kg zahar
  • 4 litri de apa
Atentie: cele 4 lamai se cantaresc in kilogramul de portocale.
Se taie fructele in doua.
Se scot samburii.
Se stoarce zeama si se strecoara.
Sucul se pune intr-o oala.
Fructele se taie felii fine si se pun in zeama.
Se toarna apa peste suc.
Se pune la frigider 24 de ore.
Se pune la fiert.
Intr-un tifon se pun samburii si se aseaza in oala.
Se fierbe pana fructele devin moi.
Se lasa la rece 24 de ore.
Se scoate tifonul cu samburi si se pune zaharul.
Se fierbe la foc iute.
Se fierbe pentru timp scurt, ca sa nu isi schimbe culoarea.
Se incearca pe o farfurie daca este legata compozitia. Cand se lipeste de farfurie, este gata.
Se pune in borcane, fierbinte.
