Gooseberry (fruit that heals) / Coacaza (fructul care vindeca)

The fruit is consumed for: stroke (preventive), inflammatory disorders of the digestive system,
diseases of the urinary system, eyes, angina, atherosclerosis, lung disease, kidney stones, excess cholesterol, skin cracks, cardio, kidney, gout, hypertension, laryngitis, menopause, osteoporosis,
urinary infection, insect bites, nail infection, intestinal parasites, prostatitis, chronic rheumatism, cuts, cough, varicose veins.

Gooseberry syrup is made from fruit mixed with sugar and water. Strain and boil until syrup reaches consistency. Add a little lemon juice. Hold the bottle closed. Take a teaspoon 3-4 times a day diluted in 250 ml of water.

Useful: diseases of the mouth, tonsillitis, dizziness, anemia, angina, arthritis, asthenia, ataminoze, spine, kidney disease, bronchitis, bladder, kidney, cancer, constipation, convalescence, growth (bone formation), sore throat, pharyngitis,  flu, gout,hepatitis, inability to concentrate, infections, inflammation of the digestive and urinary tract, insect bites, laryngitis, menopause, bloating, migraines, chronic nephritis, neurosis, obesity, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue, periodontitis, pneumonia, colds, hoarseness, spleen, somnolence, stomatitis, fatigue, tuberculosis, glandular disorders in puberty, cough, chronic ulcer.
