Green plants liquor / Lichior din plante verzi

  • 150 gr green plantsgreen
  • 1/2 litre alcohol (90%)
  • 1 lemon zest
  • 1/2 kg sugar
  • 1/2 litre water
Wash the green plants (sage, rosemary, thyme, lavender, mint, basil, chamomile, hyssop) . Allow to dry .
Put them in a large bottle. Cover with alcohol.
Let it soak approx. two weeks.
Add the lemon zest. Let it soak for about yet 3-4 days.
Boil the water and sugar in a pot. Allow to cool.
Mix with alcohol.
After 3-4 days, strain and put in bottles.
Useful: digestion
  • 150 gr plante verzi
  • 1/2 litru alcool 90%
  • coaja de lamaie o lamaie mare
  • 1/2 kg zahar
  • 1/2 l apa
Spalati plantele verzi (salvie, rozmarin, cimbru, levantica, menta, busuioc,musetel, isop). Lasati la zvantat.
Intr-o sticla mare, puneti plantele. Acoperiti cu alcoolul.
Lasati la macerat cca. doua saptamani.
Adaugati coaja de lamaie. Lasati la macerat inca cca. 3-4 zile.
Fierbeti apa cu zaharul intr-un ibric. Lasati la racit.
Amestecati cu alcoolul. Dupa inca 3-4 zile se strecoara si se pune in sticle.
Util: digestie
