Plum (the fruit that heals) / Pruna (fructul care vindeca)

Eat the fruits or drink prune juice. Squeeze a kilo of plums and drink a glass a day. Dilute the juice with water. Add a bit of lemon juice.


In the evening, put in a glass with wtaer, 2-3 plums. Drink in the morning.

Useful: diets, laxative, regenerating the skin.

You can also make PLUM WINE.


  • 1 liter of red wine
  • 350 gr dried plums
  • 50 ml of 70 ° alcohol
  • 125 g sugar
  • 1 sachet vanilla sugar
  • juice of half a lemon


Mix the red wine with the ingredients. Let soak for 18-20 days. Strain. Drink 50 ml before meals.

Useful: energizing, detoxifying effect. diets, diuretic

Se mananca sau se bea sucul de prune. Se stoarce un kilogram de prune si se bea cate un pahar pe zi. Sucul se dilueaza cu apa. Se adauga si un pic de zeama de lamaie. 

Intr-un pahar puneti, seara, 2-3 prune uscate. Beti dimineata.  

Util: cure de slabire, laxativ, regenerant al pielii. 

De asemenea, se poate face VIN de PRUNE.


  • 1 litru de vin rosu
  • 350 gr prune uscate
  • 50 ml alcool 70 de grade
  • 125 gr zahar
  • 1 pachetel zahar vanilat
  • zeama de la o jumatate de lamaie


Se amesteca in vinul rosu celelalte ingredinte. Se lasa la macerat 18-20 de zile. Se strecoara. Se beau 50 ml inainte de masa.

Util: energizant, detoxifiant. cure de slabire, diuretic
