Wine from figs / Vin de smochine

– my great-grandmother recipe –
  • 1 kg figssmochina
  • 3 kg sugar
  • 1 lemon
  • 30 gr lemon salt
  • fresh yeast (walnut size)
  • 1 demijohn (15 litres)
  • 10 litres of water
Steps :
Slice ​the figs.
Slice the lemon and remove seeds.
Crumble the yeast.
Put in the demijohn.
Pour 10 litres of water.
Mix with a wooden spoon .
Cover with a cloth large.
Keep in a cool and dark place.
Mix 2 times, weekly (with spoon).
Fermentation time is 6 weeks.
You will know when it’s done. Wine marc will be on the bottom of the demijohn.
Pull with hose in another bottle. Pass, also, the wine through a sieve.
Let the wine to settle for 3 – 4 days.
Put in bottles. Keep in a cool place.
Second wine production: on the wine marc put 2 kg of sugar and the same amount of yeast and only 8 litres of water. Do the same operations. Ferments faster (3-4 weeks). The second wine will be harsher and with less alcohol.
– reteta strabunicii mele –
  • 1 kg smochine
  • 3 kg zahar
  • 1 lamaie
  • 30 gr sare de lamaie
  • drojdie de bere proaspata (cat o nuca)
  • 1 damigeana de 15 litri
  • 10 litri de apa
Taiati felii smochinele.
Lamaia se taie felii si se scot samburii.
Se faramiteaza drojdia.
Se pun in damigeana.
Se toarna 10 litri de apa.
Se amesteca cu o lingura de lemn.
Se acopera cu o carpa mare si deasa.
Se tine in loc rece si la intuneric.
De 2 ori pe saptamana se amesteca cu lingura.
Durata de fermentatie este de 6 saptamani.
Se cunoaste cand e gata dupa depunerea la fund a borhotului.
Se trage cu un furtun in alt vas. Se trece si prin sita.
Se lasa la limpezit 3-4 zile.
Se trage la sticle cu dop. Se tine la rece.
Dupa ce s-a tras vinul, peste borhot se pun 2 kg de zahar si aceeasi cant de drojdie si doar 8 litri de apa. Se fac aceleasi operatiuni. Fermenteaza mai repede (3-4 sapt). Vinul rezultat, a doua oara, este mai aspru si cu mai putin alcool.
