Hedge mustard (plant that heals) / Brancuta sau mustarul alb (planta care vindeca)


2 teaspoons Hedge mustard
300ml boiling water


Mix the hedfe mustard with boiling water and leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes. Strain.

Drink throughout the day in small sips, for diseases of the larynx, or 2-3 cups per day for other diseases.

Useful: diseases of the larynx, cystitis (4 teaspoons at 300 ml of water - vaginal douches), colitis (1 teaspoon at 250 ml of water for children), pharyngitis and catarrh (gargle), cough, scurvy


2 lingurite brancuta
300 ml apa clocotita


Se amesteca brancuta cu apa clocotita si se lasa la infuzat 15-20 de minute. Se strecoara.

Se bea de-a lungul intregii  zile cu inghitituri mici, pentru afectiuni ale laringelui, sau 2-3 cani pe zi in cazul celorlalte afectiuni. 

Util: afectiuni ale laringelui, cistita (4 lingurite la 300 ml de apa - spalaturi vaginale), colici (1 lingurita brancuta la 250 ml de apa pentru copii), faringita si guturai (gargara cu infuzie concentrata de brancuta), tuse, scorbut
