Wash thoroughly the fir buds. Drain very well.
Grind the fir buds.
In a jar, put a layer of fir buds, and one of honey. And so on until the jar is full. Cover with honey. Let it soak for a month, a month and a half. Stir occasionally.
Strain the obtained syrup. Keep the bottle in the refrigerator.
Take a teaspoon, 2-3 times a day, after meals.
Useful: expectorant, flu, colds, coughs, immune system, asthenia, stress
Se spala bine mugurii de brad. Se lasa la scurs si zvantat.
Se zdrobesc mugurii de brad proaspeti. Se pune un strat de muguri de brad, apoi miere. Si tot asa pana se umple borcanul. Se acopera cu miere. Se lasa la macerat o luna, o luna si jumatate. Se amesteca din cand in cand.
Siropul obtinut se strecoara si se pune in sticla, in frigider.
Se ia cate o lingurita de 2-3 ori pe zi, dupa masa.
Util: expectorant, gripa, raceli, tuse, sistem imunitar, astenii, stres
- honey
- fresh fir buds
Wash thoroughly the fir buds. Drain very well.
Grind the fir buds.
In a jar, put a layer of fir buds, and one of honey. And so on until the jar is full. Cover with honey. Let it soak for a month, a month and a half. Stir occasionally.
Strain the obtained syrup. Keep the bottle in the refrigerator.
Take a teaspoon, 2-3 times a day, after meals.
Useful: expectorant, flu, colds, coughs, immune system, asthenia, stress
- miere
- muguri de brad
Se spala bine mugurii de brad. Se lasa la scurs si zvantat.
Se zdrobesc mugurii de brad proaspeti. Se pune un strat de muguri de brad, apoi miere. Si tot asa pana se umple borcanul. Se acopera cu miere. Se lasa la macerat o luna, o luna si jumatate. Se amesteca din cand in cand.
Siropul obtinut se strecoara si se pune in sticla, in frigider.
Se ia cate o lingurita de 2-3 ori pe zi, dupa masa.
Util: expectorant, gripa, raceli, tuse, sistem imunitar, astenii, stres
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