Cornflowers tincture (plant that heals) / Tinctura de albastrele (planta care vindeca)


  • 75 gr fresh flowers
  • 300 ml 70% alcohol


Mix ingredients. Keep in a dark place for 14 to 15 days. Shake the bottle from time to time.
Strain and keep in refrigerator.
Per liter of water use 10 ml of tincture. Drink not more than 7 days.


  • 75 gr flori proaspete
  • 300 ml alcool 70%


Amestecati ingredientele. Se tine la loc intunecos timp de 14-15 zile. Se agita sticla.
La final se strecoara si se tine la rece.
Se face cura. La un litru de apa se pun 10 ml de tinctura. Nu mai mult de 7 zile.
