Vegetable soup / Supa de legume

  • 2-3 medium onions (chopped)legume
  • 3 garlic cloves (finely chopped)
  • 3 or 4 small carrot (diced)
  • 3 celery roots (chopped)
  • broccoli or cauliflower (chopped; approx. 2 cups)
  • kale or cabbage (approx. 5-6 large leaves chopped)
  • zucchini (diced; approx. 2 cups)
  • chickpeas or beans (precooked, cca.1-2 small cups)
  • well ripe tomatoes (cca.3-4)
  • green beans (a hand; cut)
  • parsley and basil (chopped, according to taste)
  • salt and pepper (according to taste)
  • olive oil
  • water
In a large bowl, pour the olive oil, the garlic and onions.
When they become transparent add carrots and celery. Cook until soft.
Add zucchini (squash) and broccoli. Cover the pot to allow a steady cook.
When the squash is tender add the kale or cabbage leaves, parsley and basil. Cover the pot for a while to let them soften.
Add tomatoes and chickpeas or beans. Cover again.
When the tomatoes begin to soften add water to cover. Put the lid.
When boiling, reduce heat and let it boil steady (approx. 1 and 1/2 half hours).
In the last half hour add salt and pepper (according to taste), and green beans.
If needed you can add more water.

  • legume
  • 2-3 cepe medii(taiate marunt)
  • 3 catei de usturoi (taiati marunt)
  • 3-4 morcovi mici (taiati cuburi)
  • 3-4 radacini de telina (taiate marunt)
  • brocoli sau conopida (taiata marunt; cca. 2 cesti)
  • varza sau stevie sau amestec (cca. 5-6 frunze mari tocate, cu tulpinile si nervurile eliminate)
  • dovlecei (taiati cuburi, cca. 2 cesti)
  • naut sau fasole boabe (prefiarta, ca.1-2 cesti)
  • rosii coapta bine (cca.3-4)
  • fasole verde (o mana, taiata)
  • patrunjel si busuioc (tocat marunt, dupa gust)
  • sare si piper (dupa gust)
  • ulei de masline
  • apa
Intr-un vas mare se toarna ulei de masline pentru sotarea cepei si usturoiului.
Cand acestea devin transparente adaugati morcovii si telina. Gatiti-le pana devin moi.
Se adauga dovleceii si apoi brocoli. Se acopera oala pentru a le da posibilitatea sa se gateasca incet.
Cand dovlecelul devine moale adaugati frunzele de varza sau stevie si patrunjelul si busuoicul. Acoperiti pentru putin timp oala pentru a le lasa sa se inmoaie.
Adaugati rosiile si nautul sau fasolea prefiarta. Acoperiti din nou.
Cand rosiile incep sa se inmoaie adaugati apa pentru a acoperi compozitia. Puneti capacul.
Cand da in clocot reduceti focul si lasati-o sa fiarba incet (cca. 1 1/2 ora).
In ultima jumatate de ora adaugati sare si piper dupa gust, precum si fasolea verde. Daca mai este nevoie de apa, puteti adauga.
