- 500 gr mascarpone
- 6 egg yolks
- 10-11 tablespoons sugar
- 2-3 cream for whipping (cans of 200 ml)
- 1-2 lady fingers (pack)
- 1 rum essence
- 4 vanilla sugar sachets
- whiskey
- 10-15 teaspoons coffee (tip)
- cocoa
- dark chocolate
Put water in a kettle. When boils, add the coffee and let simmer. Put aside to cool.
In a bowl beat cream until it becomes thick. Add vanilla sachets. Whisk well until it becomes almost buttery. Put in the fridge.
In a large bowl, put 6 egg yolks and 6 tablespoons of sugar. Mix well, until the sugar melts.
Add 30 ml of whiskey and mix.
It is time to put the mascarpone and mix well. Add rum essence. Add more whiskey (if you want).
Remove the whipped cream from the refrigerator and add it, gradually, to the mascarpone.
Place in a bowl the coffee. Add sugar (4-5 tablespoons) or honey and whiskey (according to taste).
In a large bowl of glass place lady fingers. Passed prior trough coffee. WARNING: soak in coffee for 3 or 4 seconds. Not to soften too much.
After filling the bottom of the bowl, pour half of mascarpone composition. Sprinkle
cocoa and dark chocolate.
Place another row of biscuits and sprinkle cocoa and chocolate (abundant).
Transfer to refrigerator. Eat next day.
- 500 gr mascarpone
- 6 galbenusuri
- 10-11 linguri zahar
- 2-3 cutii de 200 ml de smantana pentru frisca
- 1-2 pungi de biscuiti de sampanie
- 1 sticluta esenta de rom
- 4 plicuri zahar vanilat
- whiskey
- 10-15 lingurite cafea (cu varf)
- cacao
- ciocolata neagra
Intr-un ibric puneti apa la fiert. Cand da in clocot, adaugati cafeaua si lasati sa fiarba. Puneti la racit.
Intr-un bol bateti cu mixerul smantana pentru frisca. Cand incepe sa se intareasca, adaugati plicurile de zahar vanilat. Bateti bine pana devine aproape untoasa. Puneti la rece.
Intr-un castron mare puneti 6 galbenusuri si 6 linguri de zahar. Amestecati bine pana zaharul se topeste, iar compozitia devine de un galben deschis.
Adaugati whiskey 30 ml de whiskey si amestecati in continuare.
Este momentul in care puneti mascarpone si mixati bine. Adaugati esenta de rom. Daca considerati, mai puteti adauga whiskey (dupa gust).
Scoateti frisca din frigider si adaugati-o treptat la mascarpone.
Puneti intr-un bol cafeaua. Adaugati zahar (4-5 linguri) sau miere si whiskey. Daca doriti, adagauti o esenta de rom.
Intr-un bol mare de sticla incepeti sa asezati piscoturi de sampanie, trecute initial prin cafea. ATENTIE: scufundati biscuitul pentru 3-4 secunde, pentru a nu se inmuia prea tare.
Dupa ce fundul bolului a fost completat, turnati jumatate din cantitatea de compozitie cu mascarpone. Presarati peste cacao si radeti ciocolata neagra.
Asezati inca un rand de piscoturi trecute prin cafea si presarati cacao (din belsug) si ciocolata rasa.
Transferati la frigider. Se mananca a doua zi.
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