Stuffed cabbage (Sarmale) / Sarmale in foi de varza

  • pickled cabbagevarza 1
  • 1 kg minced meat (beef-pork mixture)
  • 3-4 onions
  • approx. 2/3 kg rice
  • 100-200 gr smoked bacon
  • 2-3 tablespoons lard
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 peppercorns sachet
  • 3-4 tablespoons broth
  • 1 litre white wine (dry)
Finely chop the onions. Add to the minced meat.
Add rice. Knead.
Finely chop half a cabbage and place in the bottom of a pot.
On top, put slices of bacon, 2 tablespoons of lard, 2 bay leaves, 2 tablespoons of broth and half a sachet of pepper.
Prepare the cabbage leaves. Cut the spine. Put the meat mixture and start rolling.
Halfway, turn in the outer ends of the sheet and continue to roll.
Arrange cabbage rolls row on row in the pot.
Fill the pot and chop the other half of the cabbage and place on top.
Add a tablespoon of broth and one of lard.
Pour 1 litre of wine and fill the rest with pickled cabbage juice.
Let it boil until rice and cabbage are done.
  • varza alba murata
  • 1 kg carne tocata (amestec vita-porc)
  • 3-4 cepe
  • cca. 2/3 kg orez
  • 100-200 gr slanina afumata
  • 2-3 linguri untura de porc
  • 2 foi de dafin
  • 1 plic piper boabe
  • 3-4 linguri bulion
  • 1 litru vin alb (sec)
Se toaca ceapa marunt si se adauga peste carnea tocata.
Se adauga orezul. Se framanta.
Se toaca marunt o jumatate de varza si se aseaza pe fundul unei oale.
Deasupra, de jur imprejur, se pune slanina tocata marunt, 2 linguri de untura de porc, 2 foi de dafin, 2 linguri de bulion si jumatate de plic de piper.
Se pregatesc frunzele de varza. Se taie cotorul. Se aseaza amestec de carne si se incepe rularea. La jumatatea impachetarii se intorc capetele exterioare ale foii de varza catre interior si se continua rularea.
Se aseaza sarmalele rand, pe rand in oala.
Se umple oala si deasupra se toaca alta jumatate de varza marunt si se aseaza.
Deasupra se mai pune o lingura de bulion si untura.
Sarmalele nu trebuie sa fie pana in partea de sus a oalei,pentru ca se vor umfla.
Se pune in oala 1 litru de vin si restul se completeaza cu zeama de varza.
Se lasa la fiert pana se fierb orezul si varza.
Pentru a nu se prinde, se misca compozitia din cand in cand.
