- 8 eggs
- 8 tablespoons sugar
- 4 vanilla sugar sachets
- 1 bowl fruits (cherries, apricots, plums or berries)
- 5-7 tablespoons flour
- 1 baking powder
- powdered sugar
Put the yolks in a large bowl. Add 8 tablespoons of sugar. Mix well until becomes white and fluffy and the sugar melts.
Beat the egg whites with mixer and add vanilla. Beat untill firm.
Put half of egg whites over yolks and add, in rain, 2-3 heaping tablespoons of flour and baking powder. Folds, with circular movements (with a spatula), from outside to inside.
Pour the second half of the egg whites. In rain, put flour (1-3 tablespoons). Mix the same. You must obtain a smooth and airy texture.
In a baking tray put parchment paper. Brush with butter. Pour composition from side to side, equally. Sprinkle fruits.
Put in oven on low heat.
It is ready when it becomes golden and the sponge cake no longer sticks on a straw.
Remove from oven and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
- 8 oua
- 8 linguri de zahar
- 4 plicuri zahar vanilat
- 1 castronel de fructe (visine, caise, prune sau fructe de padure)
- 4-6 linguri faina
- 1 praf de copt
- zahar pudra
Puneti galbenusurile intr-un castron mare. Adaugati 8 linguri de zahar. Frecati bine pana devin aproape albe si pufoase, iar zaharul se topeste.
Bateti cu mixerul albusurile si adaugati zaharul vanilat. Albusurile trebuie sa fie tari.
Puneti peste galbenusuri jumatate din albusuri si adaugati, in ploaie, 2-3 linguri cu varf de faina si praful de copt. Cu o spatula incorporati cu miscari circulare, de la exterior catre interior.
Puneti si a doua jumatate de albusuri. In ploaie, puneti faina (1-3 linguri). Incorporati la fel. Compozitia trebuie sa capete o textura fina si aerata.
Intr-o tava asezati hartie de copt si ungeti-o cu unt. Turnati compozitia dintr-o parte in alta, in mod egal. Presarati fructele.
Dati la cuptor, la foc mic.
Este gata atunci cand devine auriu-maronie, iar pe batul cu care incercati coacerea nu se mai ia nimic din compozitie.
Scoateti de la cuptor si presarati cu zahar pudra.
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