- 3 medium potatoes
- 1 medium onion
- 1 quarter of red bell pepper
- 1 mushroom
- 3-4 egg whites
- 3 tablespoons chicken fat
- green onions
Cut the potatoes into small cubes.
Cut the peppers and mushrooms into small cubes.
Finely chop the onion.
In a pan put the chicken fat.
Once melted, add the onion and let it soften slightly. Add the potatoes, pepper and mushroom. Cover and let until the potatoes start to golden a little. Add egg whites. Allow to cook about 3 minutes and turn on the other side, using a plate. Let about 3 minutes.
Cut the peppers and mushrooms into small cubes.
Finely chop the onion.
In a pan put the chicken fat.
Once melted, add the onion and let it soften slightly. Add the potatoes, pepper and mushroom. Cover and let until the potatoes start to golden a little. Add egg whites. Allow to cook about 3 minutes and turn on the other side, using a plate. Let about 3 minutes.
Garnish on top with chopped green onions leaves and serve.
- 3 cartofi medii
- 1 ceapa medie
- 1 sfert de ardei rosu
- 1 ciuperca
- 3-4 albusuri
- 3 linguri untura de gaina
- Ceapa verde
Se taie cartofii in cuburi mici.
Se taie ardeiul si ciuperca in cuburi mici.
Se taie ceapa marunt.
Intr-o tigaie se pune untura.
Dupa ce s-a topit, se adauga ceapa si se lasa sa se inmoaie putin. Se adauga cartofii, ceapa, ardeiul si ciuperca. Se pune un capac si se lasa pana ce cartofii incep sa se rumeneasca putin. Se adauga albusurile. Se lasa circa 3 minute si se intoarce cu ajutorul unei farfurii pe cealalta parte. Se lasa inca circa 3 minute.
Decorati cu frunze de ceapa verde si serviti.
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