- 200g beef
- 10-15 pickled cucumber
- tomato juice
- sunflower oil
- 1 onion
- salt
- flour
- dill
Wash the pickled cucumbers and cut them in large cubes.
Boil the beef. Simmer until tender.
Add chopped onion and pickled cucumbers.
After 20 minutes add the tomato juice mixed with a little flour. Add salt and dill to taste.
Simmer until the sauce thickened and the pickled cucumbers do not become soft.
- 200 gr vita
- 10-15 castraveti murati
- suc de rosii
- ulei de floarea soarelui
- 1 ceapa
- sare
- faina
- marar
Spalati castravetii si taiati-i cuburi mari.
Puneti la fiert carnea de vita. Fierbeti pana se inmoaie.
Adaugati ceapa tocata marunt si castravetii.
Dupa 20 de minute adaugati sucul de rosii amestecat cu putina faina. Adaugat sare si marar dupa gust.
Fierbeti pana se ingroasa sosul si catravetii nu devin moi.
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