Steps :
Put the mineral water in a bowl.
Add the egg and whisk.
Add, in rain, flour.
The composition must not be watery nor very thick.
Heat a pan. Pour a teaspoon of oil.
Drain the teaspoon of oil in a cup.
Pour composition with a ladle. Around the pan.
Bake on one side. At the edges between pancake and the pan, brush with oil (with a tsp).
Turn on the other side. Brush with oil.
Continue the procedure until the composition finishes.
Put the pancakes on a plate and cover.
Fill with jam, cheese etc.
- 1 ou
- 1 sticla de apa minerala
- cca 1 kg faina
- 1/2 lingurita sare
- ulei
Se pune apa minerala intr-un bol.
Se adauga oul si se freaca bine cu telul.
Se adauga, in ploaie, faina.
Compozitia nu trebuie sa fie apoasa, insa nici foarte groasa.
Se incinge tigaia. Se toarna o lingurita de ulei.
Se scurge lingurita de ulei intr-o ceasca.
Se toarna cu polonicul, de jur imprejur, compozitie.
Se coace pe o parte. Pe margini, intre clatita si tigaie, cu lingurita, se unge cu ulei.
Se intoarce pe cealalta parte. Se unge cu ulei.
Se continua pana se termina aluatul.
Clatitile se pun pe o farfurie si se acopera.
Se umplu cu dulceata, branza etc.
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