Marrows stuffed with minced meat / Dovlecei umpluti cu carne

  • 6-8 marrowsdovlecel
  • approx. 1/2 kg minced meat (beef – pork)
  • 1 cup rice
  • 3 onions
  • 4-6 tomatoes
  • 1 bunch dill
  • sunflower oil
  • salt
Steps :
Wash the marrows. Clean the core.
Finely chop the onion. Put one onion on the bottom of a pot, along with the marrows core and two chopped tomatoes.
Mix the remaining onion with the minced meat. Add rice, dill and salt. Mix well.
Fill the marrows with meat, not very stuffed.
Put in pot. Standing. Cover each with a piece of tomato.
Place the remaining chopped tomatoes and season with oil.
Fill the pot up to three – quarters with water.
Cook on the stove on low heat. Take care not to catch on the bottom.
When the rice is done, marrows are ready.
Serve with yoghurt or sour cream on top.
  • 6-8 dovlecei
  • cca. 1/2 kg carne tocata (vita-porc)
  • 1 cana de orez
  • 3 cepe
  • 4 – 6 rosii
  • 1 legatura de marar
  • ulei
  • sare
Se spala si curata dovleceii de miez.
Se toaca ceapa marunt. O ceapa se pune pe fundul cratiei impreuna cu miezul de la dovlecei si o parte din rosiile tocate marunt.
Restul de ceapa se amesteca cu carnea tocata. Se adauga orezul, mararul tocat si sarea si se amesteca bine.
Se umplu dovleceii, nu foarte indesat.
Se aseaza in oala. In picioare. Se acopera fiecare cu o bucata de rosie (capac).
Se pune restul de rosii tocate marunt si se asezoneaza cu ulei.
Se umple pana la trei sferturi oala cu apa.
Se fierbe pe aragaz, la foc mic, avand grija sa nu se prinda.
Cand orezul este facut, dovleceii sunt gata.
Serviti cu iaurt sau smantana deasupra.
