- 3-4 gr lavender flowers
- 6-7 grams of marigold flowers
- 3-4 gr rosemary flowers
- 12-14 gr ramsons
- 150-170 ml olive oil
Steps :
Heat the oil.
Add lavender, marigolds, rosemary and ramsons. Let it boil a few minutes.
Allow to cool for 24 hours.
After 24 hours put back to a boil and stir. After it cooled to room temperature, filter.
Put in a jar.
Useful: dry or cracked feet skin
- 3-4 gr flori de levantica
- 6-7 gr flori de galbenele
- 3-4 gr flori de rozmarin
- 12-14 gr leurda
- 150-170 ml ulei de masline
Se incalzeste uleiul.
Se adauga levantica, galbenelele, rozmarinul si leurda. Se lasa la fiert cateva minute.
Se lasa la racit 24 de ore.
Dupa 24 de ore se pune din nou la fiert si se amesteca. Dupa ce s-a racit la temperatura camerei, se strecoara.
Se pune intr-un borcanel.
Util: pentru pielea uscata ori crapata a picioarelor
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