Elderberry jam / Magiun de soc

Ingredients :
1/2 kg elderberrysoc
250 gr pears
250 gr fresh plums
60 gr sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
Separate the elderberries and wash them.
Remove plums pips and cut them in small pieces.
Peel the pears, after washing. Remove the core and tails. Cut them into small pieces.
In a small amount of water bring to a boil the fruits together with sugar, cinnamon and cloves. Stir from time to time .
Pour into jars .
Because of the low sugar content the jam storage period is small.

1/2 kg boabe coapte de soc
250 grame pere coapte
250 grame prune proaspete
60 grame zahar
1/2 lingurita scortisoara
1/2 lingurita cuisoare macinate
Boabele de soc se desprind de pe ciorchine si se spala.
Scoateti samburii de la prune si taiati-le.
Perele, dupa ce se spala, se curata de miez si cotor, apoi se taie marunt.
Fructele, zaharul, scortisoara si cuisoarele se dau in clocot cateva minute in putina apa. Amestecati din cand in cand.
Se toarna in borcane.
Pentru ca are un continut redus de zahar perioada de conservare este mica.
