Bring the water to a boil.
Add the sugar and lemon juice.
Boil another 2-3 minutes after the sugar has melted.
Separately sift the cocoa and powdered milk.
Remove the syrup from stove, and add the cocoa and butter.
Simmer another 2 minutes.
Remove from stove and add the powdered milk.
Mix well.
Put cellophane paper into a baking pan. Pour the chocolate.
The recipe written on October 6, 1962 (my great – grandmother notebook).
- 1/2 kg zahar
- 150 gr apa
- 80 gr cacao
- 100 gr unt
- 250 gr lapte praf
- 1 lingurita zeama de lamaie
Se pune apa la fiert.
Se adauga zaharul si zeama de lamaie.
Se fierbe inca 2-3 minute dupa ce s-a topit zaharul.
Se cerne, separat, cacaoa si laptele praf,
Se ia dupa foc siropul si se adauga cacaoa si untul.
Se fierbe inca 2 minute.
Se ia dupa foc si se adauga laptele praf.
Se mixeaza foarte bine.
Se toarna intr-o tava pe care s-a asezat o foaie de celofan.
Reteta scrisa pe 6 octombrie 1962 (caietul de retete al strabunicii mele).
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