- flour
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- sunflower oil
- 1 egg
- 1 cup warm water
- cca 1/2 kg cheese (according to taste)
Mix flour with salt.
Add water.
Add some oil. Flour is added depending on how much it is necessary.
Obtain a dough that does not stick to hand.
Cut the dough in half.
Spread each dough with a rolling pin.
Sprinkle flour and stretch the dough (round). When the sheet is thin grease the middle with oil.
With a knife cut the dough in rays. Spread each slice with oil and fold over the middle oiled . Repeat about 12-16 times.
Lay a sheet of dough in a round tray. Prick with a fork.
Sprinkle with shredded cheese mixed with egg.
Topped it with the other sheet .
On the edge of the tray, fold the two sheets of dough.
Prick with a fork.
Brush with egg yolk .
Bake in oven until golden.
Remove and sprinkle cold water. Sprinkle with sugar and cover with a clean cloth.
- faina
- 1/2 lingurita sare
- ulei de floarea soarelui
- 1 galbenus
- 1 cana apa calduta
- cca 1/2 kg branza (dupa gust)
Se amesteca faina cu sarea. Se adauga apa. Se adauga putin ulei. Faina se adauga in functie de cat este necesar.
Trebuie obtinut un aluat care sa nu se lipeasca pe mana.
Se imparte aluatul in doua.
Se intinde fiecare aluat cu facaletul.
Se presara faina si se intinde rotund. Cand foaia devine subtire si unde mijlocul cu ulei.
Cu un cutit se taie raze aluatul. Fiecare felie se unge cu ulei si se impatureste peste miezul uns cu ulei. Se repeta de circa 12-16 ori.
Se intinde o foaie intr-o tava rotunda. Se impunge cu furculita.
Se presara cu branza maruntita amestecata cu ou.
Deasupra se pune cealalta foaie.
Pe marginea tavii se impaturesc cele doua foi.
Se impunge cu fruculita.
Se unge cu galbenus.
Se da la cuptor pana devine aurie.
Se scoate si se presara apa rece si zahar din belsug.
Se acopera cu o carpa curata.
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