![frunze zmeur](
- 300 gr flour
- 150 gr sugar
- 150 ml sunflower oil
- 100 g walnuts
- 100-150 gr candied fruit
- 50 gr fresh fruit
- 3 tablespoons cocoa
- 300 ml water
- 1 sachet baking powder
Place the walnuts in the oven. When browned remove and finely chop.
Mix flour, cocoa and baking powder.
Mix separately the oil with water and sugar. Mix well and add gradually flour.
Mix well.
Add fresh fruit and mix.
Add candied fruits and walnuts.
Mix well.
Grease a pan and put baking paper.
When there is no dough on toothpick remove from oven.
Once cooled garnish with powdered sugar.
Mix flour, cocoa and baking powder.
Mix separately the oil with water and sugar. Mix well and add gradually flour.
Mix well.
Add fresh fruit and mix.
Add candied fruits and walnuts.
Mix well.
Grease a pan and put baking paper.
When there is no dough on toothpick remove from oven.
Once cooled garnish with powdered sugar.
- 300 gr faina
- 150 gr zahar
- 150 ml ulei de floarea soarelui
- 100 gr nuci
- 100 – 150 gr fructe confiate
- 50 gr fructe proaspete
- 3 linguri cacao
- 300 ml apa
- 1 plic praf de copt
Se pun la cuptor nucile. Dupa ce s-au rumenit se scot si se toaca marunt.
Se amesteca faina cu praful decopt si cacaoa.
Se amesteca separat uleiul cu apa si zaharul. Se amesteca bine si se adauga treptat amestecul cu faina.
Se bate bine.
Se adauga fructele proaspete si se amesteca.
Se adauga nucile si fructele confiate.
Se amesteca foarte bine.
Se pune la cuptor intr-o tava unsa cu ulei si tapetata cu hartie de copt.
Cand nu mai ramane aluat pe scobitoare se scoate de la cuptor.
Dupa ce se raceste se orneaza cu zahar pudra.
Se amesteca faina cu praful decopt si cacaoa.
Se amesteca separat uleiul cu apa si zaharul. Se amesteca bine si se adauga treptat amestecul cu faina.
Se bate bine.
Se adauga fructele proaspete si se amesteca.
Se adauga nucile si fructele confiate.
Se amesteca foarte bine.
Se pune la cuptor intr-o tava unsa cu ulei si tapetata cu hartie de copt.
Cand nu mai ramane aluat pe scobitoare se scoate de la cuptor.
Dupa ce se raceste se orneaza cu zahar pudra.
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