- 9 eggs
- 9 tablespoons flour
- 9 tablespoons sugar
- 3 tablespoons oil
- 1 baking powder
- 1 pinch of salt
Separate yolks from egg whites.
Mix the yolks with the oil.
Put a pinch of salt in egg whites.
Beat egg whites well and add sugar.
Add egg yolks and oil.
Add flour and baking powder using a sieve. Toss with circular moves.
Grease and put baking paper in a baking tin. Add dough.
When passes the toothpick test is ready.
Mix the yolks with the oil.
Put a pinch of salt in egg whites.
Beat egg whites well and add sugar.
Add egg yolks and oil.
Add flour and baking powder using a sieve. Toss with circular moves.
Grease and put baking paper in a baking tin. Add dough.
When passes the toothpick test is ready.
- 9 oua
- 9 linguri de faina
- 9 linguri de zahar
- 3 inguri de ulei
- 1 praf de copt
- 1 praf de sare
Separati albsurile de galbenusuri.
Amestecati galbenusurile cu uleiul.
In albusuri puneti un praf de sare.
Bateti bine albusurile si adaugati zaharul. Trebuie sa fie tari.
Adaugati galbenusurile si uleiul.
Adaugati faina si praful de copt cu ajutorul unei site. Amestecati cu maiscari circulare.
Intr-o tava unsa si tapetata cu hartie de copt puneti aluatul.
Este gata cand trece testul scobitorii.
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