- 250 g flour
- 150 ml sunflower oil
- 150 ml hot water
- 1 sachet baking powder
- 500 gr berries (mix)
- 1 pinch salt
- 1-2 tablespoons sugar
Mix flour with baking powder and salt.
Mix water with oil.
Add flour and mix well with whisk, then by hand. Dough should not stick to the hand. Knead the dough for 10-15 minutes. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Knead again for several times.
Mash berries and drain some of the juice. Put sugar to taste (1-2 tablespoons).
Divide dough into two equal parts. Spread each piece with paddle, thin (4 mm).
Grease a pan with oil, place baking paper. Place the first piece of dough. Spread evenly the fruits. Place the second piece of dough.
Put in oven, at medium heat, about 45-60 minutes.
Season with powdered sugar.
Mix water with oil.
Add flour and mix well with whisk, then by hand. Dough should not stick to the hand. Knead the dough for 10-15 minutes. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Knead again for several times.
Mash berries and drain some of the juice. Put sugar to taste (1-2 tablespoons).
Divide dough into two equal parts. Spread each piece with paddle, thin (4 mm).
Grease a pan with oil, place baking paper. Place the first piece of dough. Spread evenly the fruits. Place the second piece of dough.
Put in oven, at medium heat, about 45-60 minutes.
Season with powdered sugar.
- 250 gr faina
- 150 ml ulei de floarea soarelui
- 150 ml apa fierbinte
- 1 plic praf de copt
- 500 gr mix fructe de padure
- 1 varf de lingurita de sare
- 1-2 linguri zahar
Amestecati faina cu praful de copt si sarea.
Amestecati apa cu uleiul.
Adaugati faina si amestecati bine cu telul, apoi cu mana. Aluatul nu trebuie sa se lipeasca de mana. Framantati aluatul 10-15 minute. Lasati-l 10-15 minute sa stea. Mai framanati de cateva ori.
Pasati fructele si scurgeti cat mai mult zeama. Puneti zahar dupa gust. Nu foarte mult (1-2 linguri).
Impartiti aluatul in doua parti egale. Intindeti cu facaletul fiecare foaie, subtire (4 mm).
Ungeti o tava cu ulei, puneti hartie de copt. Puneti prima foaie de placinta, intindeti fructele egal si puneti a doua foaie de placinta.
Dati la cuptor la foc mediu circa 45-60 minute.
Asezonati cu zahar pudra.
Amestecati apa cu uleiul.
Adaugati faina si amestecati bine cu telul, apoi cu mana. Aluatul nu trebuie sa se lipeasca de mana. Framantati aluatul 10-15 minute. Lasati-l 10-15 minute sa stea. Mai framanati de cateva ori.
Pasati fructele si scurgeti cat mai mult zeama. Puneti zahar dupa gust. Nu foarte mult (1-2 linguri).
Impartiti aluatul in doua parti egale. Intindeti cu facaletul fiecare foaie, subtire (4 mm).
Ungeti o tava cu ulei, puneti hartie de copt. Puneti prima foaie de placinta, intindeti fructele egal si puneti a doua foaie de placinta.
Dati la cuptor la foc mediu circa 45-60 minute.
Asezonati cu zahar pudra.
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