- 1 beef tongue
- 1-2 onions
- 1/2 green pepper
- 1 1/2 carrot
- tomato juice
- 20-30 olives
- sunflower oil
Boil beef tongue about 1 1/2 – 2 hours (add a whole onion and a carrot).
After boiling well, cut in small slices.
In a saucepan, put some of the boiled water. Add the meat, chopped onion, green pepper, 1/2 carrot and oil.
After 10-15 minutes add tomato juice (optional thickened with a tablespoon of flour).
Towards the end add the olives.
Put salt if needed. Olives are quite salty.
Let the stove at low heat until reduced (about 30-45 minutes ).
After boiling well, cut in small slices.
In a saucepan, put some of the boiled water. Add the meat, chopped onion, green pepper, 1/2 carrot and oil.
After 10-15 minutes add tomato juice (optional thickened with a tablespoon of flour).
Towards the end add the olives.
Put salt if needed. Olives are quite salty.
Let the stove at low heat until reduced (about 30-45 minutes ).
- 1 limba de vaca
- 1-2 ceape
- 1/2 ardei gras
- 1 1/2 morcov
- suc de rosii
- 20-30 de masline
- ulei de floarea soarelui
Fierbeti limba de vaca 1 1/2 – 2 ore.
Dupa ce fierbe bine, portionatiin felii mici.
Intr-o cratita, puneti din apa in care a fiert limba de vaca. Adaugati carnea, ceapa tocata, ardeiul, 1/2 morcov si ulei.
Dupa circa 10-15 minute adaugati sucul de rosii (optional: ingrosat cu o lingura de faina).
Spre final adaugati maslinele.
Puneti sare daca este nevoie. Maslinele sunt destul de sarate.
Lasati pe aragaz, la foc mic, pana scade (circa 30-45 de minute).
Dupa ce fierbe bine, portionatiin felii mici.
Intr-o cratita, puneti din apa in care a fiert limba de vaca. Adaugati carnea, ceapa tocata, ardeiul, 1/2 morcov si ulei.
Dupa circa 10-15 minute adaugati sucul de rosii (optional: ingrosat cu o lingura de faina).
Spre final adaugati maslinele.
Puneti sare daca este nevoie. Maslinele sunt destul de sarate.
Lasati pe aragaz, la foc mic, pana scade (circa 30-45 de minute).
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