- 1 or 2 medium cauliflowers or one large cauliflower
- 200g sour cream
- 2-3 eggs
- 100-200 gr sheep cheese or pressed cheese
- 1 piece of butter (for the glass baking dish)
- salt (to taste )
- cornmeal (for the glass baking dish)
Steps :
Break cauliflower into small florets. Wash.
Put water in a large pot.
When water is boiling, put the cauliflower florets inside. Scald well.
Remove the florets with a slotted spoon and place them into cool water.
Then put them to drain.
Take a glass baking dish and brush with butter. Spread cornmeal all over the dish.
Place cauliflower in the baking dish.
In a bowl, mix sour cream , sheep cheese (grated) or pressed cheese and eggs. Stir well. Add salt to taste.
Please note: cheese or pressed cheese already have salt.
Pour over cauliflower florets.
Put in the oven.
Ready when golden-brownish.
- 1-2 conopide medii sau 1 conopida mare
- 200 gr smantana
- 2-3 oua
- 100 – 200 gr branza de oaie sau cascaval
- 1 bucatica de unt (pentru uns tava)
- sare (dupa gust)
- malai (pentru tapetat tava)
Se desface conopida in bucati. Se spala.
Intr-o oala mare se pune apa la fiert.
Cand apa da in clocot introduceti bucatile de conopida si opariti-le bine.
Scoateti cu o spumiera conopida si puneti-o in apa rece.
Puneti conopida la scurs.
Luati o tava si ungeti-o cu unt, iar apoi imprastiati bine malaiul pe toata suprafata.
Asezati conopida in tava.
Amestecati intr-un bol smantana, branza de oaie rasa sau cascavalul ras si ouale.
Adaugati sare dupa gust.
Atentie: branza si cascavalul au deja sare.
Turnati compozitia peste conopida.
Bagati la cuptor. Cand capata o culoare auriu-bruna, este gata.
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