Baby octopus stew / Tocanita de baby octopus

  • 1/2 kg baby octopuscaracatita
  • 5-6 garlic cloves
  • 1 onion (medium)
  • 500 ml tomato juice (homemade)
  • 2 glasses of white wine (dry)
  • Herbs de Provence
  • salt and pepper (to taste)
  • olive or sunflower oil
  • pepper (grains)
  • 2 bay leaves
Steps :
Wash and clean the baby octopus and cut them into pieces.
Boil water in a pot. Add Herbs de Provence (a hand), 15-20 pepper grains, 2 bay leaves and a glass of wine.
When it starts to boil add the baby octopus. Let them boil without becoming gummy .
Meanwhile, place in a saucepan the oil. Add the chopped onion and garlic. Stir to soften. Add wineglass. Mix.
After 1-2 minutes add the homemade tomato juice.
Take baby octopus with a slotted spoon and add it over the onions.
Take, also, Herbs and pepper. Put salt (and extra pepper) to taste.
Mix .
Let it boil on low heat.
In about 45 minutes it is ready .
  • 1/2 kg baby octopus
  • 5-6 catei de usturoi
  • 1 ceapa (medie)
  • 500 ml suc de rosii (de casa)
  • 2 pahare de vin alb (sec)
  • Verdeturi de Provence
  • sare si piper (dupa gust)
  • ulei de masline sau de floarea soarelui
  • piper (boabe)
  • 2 foi de dafin
Spalati si curatati baby octopus si taiati-le in bucati.
Intr-o oala puneti la fiert apa. Adaugati verdeturi de Provence (o mana), 15-20 boabe de piper, 2 foi de dafin si un pahar de vin.
Cand incepe sa fiarba adaugati baby octopus. Lasati sa se opareasca fara a deveni gumoase.
Intre timp, puneti intr-o cratita uleiul sa se incinga. Adaugati ceapa si usturoiul tocate marunt.
Dupa ce se inmoaie adaugati paharul de vin. Amestecati.
Dupa 1-2 minute adaugati sucul de rosii.
Scoateti baby octopus cu o paleta si adaugati-l peste ceapa. Luati si verdeturi de Provence.
Puneti sare si piper dupa gust.
Lasati sa scada la foc mic.
In cca 45 de minute este gata.
