Assorted pickles / Muraturi asortate

  • 8-10 green tomatoes
  • 5-6 carrots
  • 1 medium celery with leaves
  • 1-2 capsicum
  • 1 small watermelon
  • 1 medium cauliflower
  • 200-300 gr yellow mustard seeds
  • 8-10 gherkins
  • 1-2 garlic (cloves)
Wash the vegetables.
In a large jar put some yellow mustard seeds and throw some cloves of garlic (cut in half; unpeeled; “whiskers” cut) .
Place the watermelon.
Put the green tomatoes, capsicum, gherkins, celery slices, carrot cut at both sides. You can cut the carrots in two and then in half.
Add a few pieces of cauliflower .
Throw some mustard (1-2 tablespoons) and garlic cut in half. Put again gherkins, green tomatoes, carrots, sliced ​​celery and cauliflower . Add more garlic and mustard.
The process is repeated until the filling of the jar.
Finally put celery leaves in a circle .
In a bowl put cold water. Add a spoon per litre of water of coarse salt. Then put the salted water in the jar. Fill it to cover the celery leaves.
Every morning for several days (cca. one week) , open the lid of the jar and press the inside for winnowing.
If there is a white foam on top, remove.
After approx . a week close the jar and move it in the pantry until the pickles are done.
The quantities of vegetables are for guidance.
  • 8-10 gogonele
  • 5-6 morcovi
  • 1 telina cu frunze (de marime medie)
  • 1-2 ardei grasi
  • 1 pepene mic
  • 1 conopidă (medie)
  • 200-300 gr boabe de mustar
  • 8-10 castraveciori cornison
  • 1-2 capatani de usturoi
Se spala legumele.
Intr-un borcan mare se arunca boabe de mustar si cativa catei de usturoi taiati in doua (nu e nevoie sa ii curatati, insa taiati varful).
Puneti pepenele verde.
Incepeti sa puneti gogonele, ardei gras, castraveti cornison, felii de telina, morcov taiat la ambele capete. Morcovii se pot taia in doua si apoi in jumatate.
Se adauga cateva bucati de conopida.
Puneti din nou mustar (1-2 linguri) si cativa catei de usturoi taiati in jumatate. Se adauga iar castraveciori, gogonele, morcovi, telina felii si conopida. Se pune din nou usturoi mustar.
Procesul se repeta pana la umplerea borcanului.
La final se pun frunzele de telina in cerc.
Intr-un bol gradat se pune apa rece si se adauga pentru fiecare litru de apa o lingura rasa de sare grunjoasa. Apa sarata rezultata se pune in borcan si se umple pentru a acoperii frunzele de telina.
In fiecare dimineata, timp de cateva zile, se deschide capacul borcanului si se apasa interiorul pentru vanturare. Daca exista o spuma alba deasupra, aceasta se inlatura.
Dupa cca. o saptamana se inchide borcanul si se pastreaza la rece in camara pana se mureaza complet.
Cantitatile de legume sunt pentru orientare.
